August 31, 2011

Building Bridges


Some people say “its not what you know, its who you know” and they speak with truth. One of the ideas from my Ralph Katz class during IAP had me thinking about this topic and it makes a lot of sense to share with you and that is the importance of building bridges.

Everybody wants to build their powerful tower (figuratively speaking) but they forget about the bridges. The illustration speaks about having a lot of powerful towers that are not connected and as a whole is less useful than a set of towers that is connected with bridges. The interconnected towers form a system that is larger than any of the other towers (individually) and more importantly the bridges provide the means of carrying information, goods, news from one tower to all the others. We can apply this concept in business as in life. Most of the time you can get more done by relying on the bridges you have built than in your tower.

We don’t need to rely on ourselves all the time to come up with the answers. It is highly likely someone knows the answer to your problem or has expertise in that area. People with good communication skills and networking skills often leverage their connections to accomplish what on their own would be impossible. So remember, build bridges not towers.


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