August 31, 2011

Blog Trouble


Ok, so I have not written anything in a while and I had some blog trouble. I was trying to setup my MIT domain blog but I can´t format it so I will keep using this blog instead. It´s too bad I am not located on campus otherwise I could ask someone there how to do it. It also was a shame that since I am a distance student I could not attend the workshop to help set up the MIT domain blog.

Anyway, summer was busy with lot´s of work and as for school; well courses are a little more intense than in spring since there is only 3 months in the summer term instead of 4 like in Spring and Fall. I had some very cool experiences this summer, some of which will be the topics of the upcoming blog entries I am going to make.

Also, I am getting prepared for the Fall term. I am reviewing Ed Crawley´s material from the IAP sessions because that class resumes in the Fall and I need a refresh of the material and key concepts. I have been working on my principles list for this class. We were assigned to create a list of personalized principles we would use for designing architecture so we would have a personal tool set we can apply to system design when the course is over. Some of these principles and my thoughts on them will also be subject of future posts.

So this entry is really to inform my desire to keep blogging and resume where I had left off. It can get difficult sometimes with so much work and school and also in this case the summer (can´t blame me for wanting to go out and being active instead of sitting in front of my computer). So I will keep my readers posted  Guiño bye for now…

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