February 13, 2011



     I learned a lot about uncertainty this month. I still do not know where I am going to live next month, I don’t know what my new responsibilities at work will be or how my classes will span out and how it all comes together these next two years. Ed Crawley, my Systems Architecture professor, told our class that most of the things we learn from him will not sink in until 2-3 years from, if it is true I don’t know. Maybe in a couple of years it will all make sense but right now there is too much uncertainty about everything in my life. This is all kind of ironic because my job is to reduce uncertainty for the managers to be able to make decisions. Uncertainty is a big part of our lives, how we deal with it is what makes the difference.

     When facing an important decision in business as in life, the less uncertainty we have means we can make better decisions to lead us forward. That is why people and tools that reduce uncertainty are so important. Take the weather channel for instance; the predictions help reduce uncertainty about the temperature and climatological conditions therefore it is useful. Anytime we find something that helps us reduce uncertainty, we should learn to value it highly.

Detroit coming back


Being here in Detroit I have noticed a large city wide campaign to raise Motor City back to its former glory. Well maybe not its former glory but definitely the scene here is picking up as the economy and auto industry recovers. In case you missed the Superbowl, here is the Chrysler-Eminem commercial.

Some people argue that Chrysler, a company that was bailed out with tax-payer money, should not have spent millions on a Superbowl ad. But actually I am quite pleased with it and it clearly shows Eminem´s support of Detroit and the auto industry. The commercial is deeper than just a Chrysler ad for its 200, it is a demonstration of something larger: the US auto industry and what Detroit symbolically represents for manufacturing in America.

I am sure the next two years will be an exciting time here in Detroit as much is happening and mostly good things.