January 28, 2011

Design Challenge 1


   Below I am posting some links to Design Challenge 1 that has some videos one of the SDM 10 students made. We were tasked to build a robot out of Lego NXT´s to compete in several tasks. Around the end of the event we realized the challenge had less to do with building robots than it did about building relationships. The team went through the High Performance Team phases: Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing rather quickly and helped us get to know our cohort better. My team was Team 9: Astroboy, the challenge was titled battle of the superheroes so we had to name our robot after a superhero. My favorite part was the presentations or Demo/Parade.

   The challenge made me realize how important it is to build relationships in order to work effectively as a team. The task put into perspective some of the personal network building principles we were taught. In order for networks to be useful, one must actively participate in the network, in other words: give your personal network maintenance. I think that will be the real challenge more than forming a personal network.


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